Monday, October 25, 2010


I've got Halloween on my mind, and while browsing around looking for creative stencils for my personal jack-o-lantern, I stumbled upon a competition from the blog, Typophile. Here are the intructions:


1- Carve, cut, etch, &c., your typographic design, letterform or mark into a pumpkin or other gourd.

2- Post a photograph (600 x 400 please) of your entry in this thread. Feel free to inform us about your method, inspiration, &c. but the best entries will speak for themselves.

3- As with other type battles, this starts on a Monday and ends this Friday (which happens to be 2 days after Halloween, no points will be reduced with November entries).

Judging & Prizes
As with any street battle, there is no panel of judges and no prize — only the ability to call yourself the best on the block.

Here is photo of my favorite carving, Century Gothic. Along with the skeleton on the side that uses only shapes that can be found in the typeface. Genius.

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